We're building Catholic AI.

World's #1 answer engine for the Catholic Church.

Whether you’re seeking answers on Church teaching, conducting research, or are just trying to save some time, Magisterium AI is at your disposal 24 hrs a day / 7 days a week.

Used in over 165 countries and over 50 languages, our AI references over 22,600 magisterial documents and in Scholarly Mode you can access over 2,300 Catholic theological and philosophical works from St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Augustine, Fathers of the Church, etc. Seminal works such as the Enchiridion (Denzinger) as well as the Bible and biblical commentaries are also available.

As seen on:
EWTNThe Catholic Church Bishops' Conference of England and WalesUSCCBCruxFocusL'Osservatore Romano

Library Platform Powered by Artificial Intelligence

Vulgate is an AI-powered library platform designed to revolutionize academic research by leveraging technologies like neural search, document ingestion, text summarization, and machine translation. It enables users to interact with vast library collections through natural language queries, delivering instant answers with citations, and supports advanced research across diverse documents and languages.

By enhancing accessibility and efficiency, Vulgate significantly reduces research time—potentially turning decades-long studies into projects of just a month or two—while democratizing access to information for libraries and institutions. Its collaboration with pontifical universities in Rome exemplifies its value in digitizing and supercharging scholarly exploration of historical and contemporary texts.

A big-tent platform for Catholic content creators

Christendom makes it a cinch to watch, follow, share and discover Catholic content creators from around the world. 

It’s a big-tent platform that embraces a diversity of Catholic voices reflecting on the spiritual, moral, and social issues of the day. So, buckle up. Don’t expect content creators to always agree with each other, but rest assured Christendom is committed to building bridges between creators and helping to foster greater understanding and respect while at the same time having fun!